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The chair game

It's a favorite around the kids. This little energizer can be very long, if you want it to be. There are many variations of the game but most of the time we play the classic game.

So, let's learn the steps:

First, you arrange as many chairs as necessary in a circle. Note: the back of chairs are the limits of the circle, so they should be faced from the outside-inside.

Second, you search the children's favorite song and prepare to press play.

Third, the song starts and the kids have to walk around the chairs. It's always good if you encourage them to sing and/or dance!

Fourth, stop the music. Kids will rush to the available seats.

The game will go on and on until there's one chair left.

To declare the winner, order the kids to put their hands behind their back and tell them to be in a acceptable distance from the chair.

The first kid that sits when the music stops, WINS!!!

Note: if you want to change the game a little bit, put the chairs in random places of an area instead of in circle.


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