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Handmade Borax  

This is another succeeded activity we did with the kids. They had a lot of fun – just as we did! – and, the best part, it was easy and fast!

Do you remember those sticky and viscous pastes that we used to play with when we were children? In this activity, we showed kids a simple and quick way to make homemade flubbers, and we helped them creating their very own personalized flubber!

For this activity, we used:

3/4 cup of cold water-

1 cup of glue-

liquid food-coloring (in this case, since we couldn’t find this product in a liquid form in Razlog, we replaced it by coloring powder)-

1/2 cup of hot water-

1 teaspoon of borax-

In one bowl, we mixed together the cold water, glue and food-coloring, and we set it aside afterwards.

In another bowl, we mixed together the hot water and borax, until the last one was completely dissolved.

Slowly, we added glue mixture to borax mixture. In the meantime, we just appreciated children’s reactions (laughs and repugnance, combined with a certain nervousness!).

It was priceless to see!


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