Hiding the ball
This is another of the most appreciated ennergyzers among the kids in the museum. To play it, the group has to make a circle of chairs - one of them stays in the middle. The kids proceed to sit on the chairs and while music is playing (we previously choose a person to be in charge of the songs), the kids have to pass the ball between each other.
Finally, the music has to stop and the person who has the ball must hide it in his/her back. The kid that is sitting in the middle must try to guess which player in the circle has the ball.
Remember: he/she has only 3 bids! If one of his/her bids is succeeded, the kid has to exchange places with the one who was hiding the ball.
This is a fun and entertaining activity which creates a lot of laughter! Nonetheless, you should be careful about cheaters - don’t allow them to manipulate the game for their own will (because that happens quite often!).