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This is my body 

Why not learning while we sing, dance and play with a paper ball , keeping our dual-purpose of learning and having fun?
A good solution for this matter can be "My body and how I use it" activity -  youtube reference:

We had a lot of fun - warming up our bodies in such cold Bulgaria!
Mantaining the use of visual supports, we had a poster with the drawing of a kid’s body and the identification of his main parts, such as head, shoulders, hands, legs, and feet. 


In the second part of the activity, we played a game with the kids, so they could consolidate the meaning of the new words they learnt and, at the same time, combine it with exercises of motor coordination. The kids could also associate a word with an image and create new concepts in their minds - using both sides of the brain.
The kids had to touch the part of their bodies corresponding to the word we shouted (if we said ‘head!’, they had to touch their head; if we said
‘shoulders’, they had to put their hands on their shoulders, etc.). If we shouted “ball!”, they had to touch immediately the little paper ball they had in front of them.


And more, the idea was for them to work in couples. If one of the elements of the pair touched a different part of the body instead of the one we said, they had to quit the game.
It was a very interesting moment, where we were able to mix a non-formal english class with a focusing-game, that built attention and cooperation between kids.


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